Hi Guys..I hope you will indulge me a little as I would like to share something with you today..back in August I was trying to talk my DB (Dearly Beloved) into having a weeks holiday in France. We had been invited to join my friends at their second home in Brittany...now I have been before but DB hasnt...(its really lovely and being in the middle of nowhere...its ideal for a 'real chill' holiday which both of us could do with)...but he didnt seem too keen. Due to a couple of issues...I gave up my job in January this year, I didnt chose a good year to do it what with the recession and all... and while I have been off work DB has been very supportive...he treated me to a week away in Yorkshire back in March, but for me, a summer holiday this year was totally out of the question...so when we were invited to join my friends, I thought we should grab the chance. Now I spent a whole weekend giving it the hard sell but DB still wasnt having it and I was beginning to think he just didnt like my friends...then he said...'I know you really want to go, but I have to tell you a secret'..(well you can imagine what went through my mind in an instant)...and then he said...'I have been saving for us to go on holiday maybe in October'...well I didnt know what to say...as I felt rather ashamed really for trying so hard and then thinking badly of him. Anyway...take a look at the card below as it might give you a clue as to where he is taking me....

Yep...thats me on the front...in my safari gear!!! lol.. He's taking me to Kenya for a beach and safari holiday!!! I'm so excited!! we fly out beg October!!... going to have a couple of days chillin' on the beach and then a few days on safari and then back to the beach and Indian Ocean!!!

I thought I would make the card as a keepsake for me..I based it on the one I made for great nephew Connor a couple of weeks ago...inside I put two 'pockets' which I will put in a couple of precious photos to remind me of my fabulous treat!!...DB has been to Kenya a couple of times before, so he's an old hand at this... but...never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would have an opportunity like this...I am one (very excited) lucky girl!!
