Wednesday 19 August 2015

Now for Something Different

Hi I'm off in a different direction....Yarn and Socks... lol... 

I met a lovely local lady when I attended a craft workshop for needle felting way back last year just after I moved here.  Now Cathy has a blog too here and she posts about all sorts of every day life stuff from cooking to trips out and of course knitting and crocheting. She is a regular participator to a blog called Yarn Along  ran by the lovely Ginny so today I have joined in.

I'm knitting major pastime these days..the yarn is my own hand dyed.  The pattern is the most easiest one ever (well my opinion) which I found on Christine's blog here and I have also bought her book.  Christine arranged a 'Sockalon' for sock beginners and she is also arranging a Sock Line for this years Yarndale Show, that's where my socks above will be heading once they're finished. Please pop over to Christine's blog and have a read.
Now books...I like light comtempory books with a bit of humour as I'm a soppy soul and couldn't do with reading thrillers etc as they would give me so the book I'm reading on my Kindle is The Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Coglan...I've only just started it so I'll have to share the plot next time
So if any of you out there are knitters I hope I have inspired you to join in....look forward to seeing 'what's on your needles'.
Happy Crafting


  1. Great socks! Such nice summertime colors!

  2. Your socks are gorgeous Jan ! And I do love the yarn... You are such a talented Lady ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine
