Hi Guys...its a lovely day here in my part of Kent..I was up with the lark this morning...dont know why..its probaly that I'm so used to waking early with the temp job I had...yes its all finished now...and I hope to have a little bit more crafty time...it depends on how my Mum is bless her...anyway..I managed to have a little play yesterday and here is a sweet Tilda to share...I wont bore you with the details as you can see what I used...lol...but I have to point out the cute little watering can charm...I found them in a little 'cheap' shop in town..they had a whole range with all different themes...for only £1 per set..oh I do love a bargain...I'll be going back in the week to get some more...lol..
Well I hope you all have a super smashing day in the sunshine...
Have fun!!!